
Hello there!  Another month, another newsletter! 

Welcome to May’s issue of the COY16 Newsletter!
Each month, we will deliver this bulletin filled with information and insight on the organisation of COY16, our progress, and how you and others can help!

About COY16

COY16 is the 16th United Nations Climate Change Conference of Youth.


Our Conference is organised by young people from all over the world. We are divided in 7 different Working Groups, and one overall Coordination Committee which has representatives from each Working Group in it. We are also joined by our implementing organizations: UKYCC, XR Youth, UK Youth for Nature, UKSCN, FFF Scotland, UNMGCY and YOUNGO that continue to accompany us and strengthen the efforts put forth by our organization. 

Our Crowdfunding Campaign is Live!

After weeks of careful planning, meetings and designing, the Finance Unit, as well as the Communications and Outreach Team are excited to have launched the official COY16 Crowdfunding Campaign!

This Campaign is the result of the joint efforts of many volunteers with the aim to secure donations both large and small in order to provide accommodation, visas, transportation and logistical support for COY16 Delegates and Coordinators. The Campaign is first being launched exclusively for COY members, and will follow up  with a global launch on June 5th for those who would like to collaborate and lift up the Youth of the World to be heard. 
Visit our Website and find out more about our Conference, the Volunteers behind it, our Crowdfunding Campaign and the rewards you will recieve if you donate!

Visibility Week

As we get closer to the Conference, our volunteers find themselves working around the clock to create the best COY possible, and the Global Affairs Unit’s (GAU) Regional and Country Coordinators are no exception.

These exceptional volunteers are reaching out to as many Universities and Organisations as possible to draft the Official Youth Statement of their respective countries, thus ensuring the demands of the Youth are being heard at a grassroots level. These local Youth Statements will be made into a Global Youth Statement, creating a comprehensive, honest and exhaustive compilation of voices. This document will be later presented to COP26 as a representation of the demands of the Global Youth.

Take a look at our Visibility Week on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin, and find your Regional and Country Coordinators!

Working Groups Updates

As a Conference made by and for the youth of today, COY is made up of a diverse variety of essential Working Groups. These are divided into 7 Working Groups (WGs) in combination with one central Coordination Committee. COY16 volunteers work tirelessly on a daily basis to continuously raise the bar and build a Conference that both current and future generations can take pride in. 


The Finance Team has had a busy month! They’ve secured 20k British Pounds, from the Polden Puckham Charitable Foundation, and they’ve been holding ongoing meetings with potential partners. But most importantly, they’ve been preparing for the Crowdfunding Campaign which went live yesterday, as a joint effort with other WG, specially Communications and Outreach! 


Communications and Outreach

Communications and Outreach has been working closely with the Finance Unit on finalizing the Crowdfunding Campaign; they took over the creation of different designs, guidelines and a Crowdfunding Video. They have also been working on it’s newly formed Journalism Team to write important stories recognizing youth climate justice and activism leading up to COY16. Andmost recently, they celebrated the COY16 Visibility Week together with GAU, by creating, uploading and monitoring the profiles for every Country Coordinator in 150 different countries! 


Volunteer Coordination

The Volunteer Coordination Team has been supporting new volunteers who have been getting involved in COY and the Working Groups whenever assistance is needed. The Team is looking into a “Team Weekend” in July as a COVID safe in-person gathering for those based in the United Kingdom.     


Access and Inclusivity 

The A&I Team is nearing completion on the Safer Spaces Policy and has been working with Volunteer Coordination to create a safeguarding policy. The Team is also preparing key accessibility considerations so that once the final venue is confirmed, they can hit the ground running with Logistics to make sure that the event will be accessible to all individuals. 


The COP26 Homestay Network has officially been launched. This initiative will provide affordable accommodations for COY16 Delegates and other climate justice guests to stay during the 2021 Conference. Hosting dates will be from the 25th of October to the 12th of November. They are continuously looking for anyone in the Central Belt with space in their homes (be that a spare room or some floor space in the living room) to sign up. The link for signing up can be found here and hosts can decide the duration that they are willing to host for. They are also collaborating with Rail to COP to provide further accessibility. While their travel dates are not identical to COY, they are engaging in active conversations on other ways they can assist each other during the COY16 events.The Programmes Team has had a dynamic few weeks, with the team now split into four Task Forces focusing respectively on core programme content, large-scale ceremonial and artistic events, COY policy output and influence, and coordination with other working groups. Within these Task Torces they have drafted a detailed outline of the COY programme, designed the flow of events for the Opening and Closing ceremonies, created a shortlist of targeted high-level speakers who we will be inviting to COY16.




The Programmes Team has also constructed a plan for gathering international input into the planned COY Global Youth Statement, with the aid of the Regional and Country Coordinators. Meanwhile, they are delighted to continue to receive applications to host a session at COY through the Programme Proposal Form, which has already recieved some excellent proposals. 


Global Affairs Unit

In preparing the “Global Youth Statement” to present to COP26, the Global Affairs Unit has been coordinating the outreach to Organizations and Universities for their input and coordination. 



Blog of the Month

It’s a rich country’s world 


By Julieta Marino Tartaglino and Hemavathi S Shekhar



By the end of 2019, the world found itself facing a new threat, never before experienced, a million questions unanswered, and a fear of the unknown that created a sense of global community, COVID-19. 


The pandemic brought to light how the world is not only unprepared to face global threats, but also how poor and developing countries don’t stand a fighting chance. And while the vaccines provided a glimpse of hope, access to them also revealed a breach that is sadly all too common, especially for those who find themselves at the short side of the straw. Richer countries have the capacity to acquire vaccines, build infrastructure and hire new personnel to apply dose after dose and also have the privilege to let them go to waste. Developing countries have neither access to vaccines nor the ability to produce it and are still struggling to cope with the disaster COVID has become.  


At the same time, the loss of income in many families has pushed them to poverty, while billionaires saw their fortunes increase like never before, so much so that the pandemic has been renamed the ‘Billionaire Pandemic’. This shows not only inequality but ‘Systemic Inequality’, that exists in various forms to various individuals. While millionaires increased their riches by $1.6 Trillion dollars in the last 13 months (Chuck Collins, Updates: Billionaire Wealth, U.S. Job Losses and Pandemic Profiteers,, April 2021), millions of people lost their jobs, and sources of income. The system works for the rich.


Now, what does this have to do with Climate Change? More than you would think!

Irrespective of the country, it is the rich ones that have recovered from the devastating impact of the virus quicker; they are also the biggest accelerators of the climate crisis by being the biggest emitters of carbon. The impact, however, is most seen on the poor ones and in the global south…


Read the whole piece here!
Submit your story here.


This incredible team is currently looking for 
Scottish and UK based volunteers!

We need people experienced in logistical work, finance
within the UK and Scotland, and more.
(International positions are also open)

If you are based in the UK or Scotland and interested in helping out,
please click here or us.

Thank you for reading this month’s COY16 newsletter! 


From COY16, to you.